The Begining

Sean found a video in 2011 that Deanna did on indigent people being jailed and not having proper legal representation in the state of Michigan. Sean emailed her a negative comment about her video. Well, if you know Deanna, she is not one to be bullied or pushed around. She emailed him with out holding back. Sean checked into what she had to say and was interested and wanted to attend the meeting Deanna was going to attend. Deanna was talking care of her mother who had cancer and eventually passed away. Deanna was unable to make it to any of the meetings.

Sean then decided to hook up with some people who were attacking her friend Maria Melinn. (Birds of a feather flock together for sure.) Maria was one of the people helping Deanna on her Abused Swan website. Deanna was educating mothers about the family court. Sean and his friends then decided to start stalking Deanna as well. They like to make up fake names and post as other people to be able to comment on post and news articles. Sean was doing this for a while, but Deanna always figures out it is Sean. She would call him out on it and the fact he had to hide and be fake and to grow some balls and come out as himself, it make a person look creditable.

Sean wants to be an investigative news reporter. News reporters do go around copying what people are doing and then make up wild fantasies of what someone is saying. They do research, find facts, talk to other people to confirm their information and facts. In retrospect, Deanna would be the investigative reporter and Sean the politician.